KHYS funding

Funding opportunities the Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS) offers to group leaders:

  • Aspirant Grant (Postdoc):  Invite potential postdocs for a one-month research stay at KIT. The focus is on inviting aspirants from abroad, however, it is also possible to invite promising candidates from other German universities. KHYS refunds traveling and accomodation costs.
  • Research Travel Grant: Send your PhD student or postdoc abroad to gain experience and insights. KHYS subsidizes travel and living expenses for a research stay at a university or company abroad lasting a period of three to six months.
  • Connecting Young Scientists (ConYS): Support your postdocs in developing and extending career-specific networks. Networking partners can be other research groups at KIT, in Germany, or around the globe as well as universities, industry companies, and other organizations. ConYS consists of three different modules: (1) Short-term journeys of KIT postdocs; (2) Short-term stays of young scientists at KIT; (3) Event support
  • Remote Collaboration Program: Support your PhDs or postdocs in building up or maintaining research networks with universities, industry companies, and other organizations from abroad. Funding may cover e.g. costs for trainers for moderated digital network meetings, the exchange and shipment of samples, the commissioning of measurements at a collaboration partner, software for networking, or salaries for a student or research assistant (“Hiwi”) in the context of the collaboration.

All information is subject to change. Please visit the KHYS homepage for further details.