Links to further information, services, and partners
Important links for YIN members
For W1
- Quality Assurance Concept for Junior Professorships and Tenure-track Professorships at KIT (01/2019)
- Appointment procedures at KIT / documents (internet) - including "Handreichung zum Qualitätssicherungskonzept" (German only)
For your group
Get started at KIT!
- KIT Organization and Governance
- Neuberufenen-Portal (German only)
- Intranet
- Template management (German only)
- Information A-Z
- English Glossary at KIT
KIT strategies (Intranet)
- Outline of the Umbrella Strategy KIT 2025 (full text in German only)
- Excellence concept "Living the Change"
- Implementation of 2nd KIT Further Development Act
Academic Alliances
- DGJ German Association for Junior Professorship and modern career paths in science
- alma meta - Diskussionsplattform der DGJ und der Jungen Akademie
- HEiKA - Heidelberg Karlsruhe Strategic Partnership
- EPiCUR European University
- eucor - The European Campus
Legal documents
- KIT Law
- 2nd KIT Further Development Act (Drucksache 16/9714)
- KIT Statutes 2023 KIT 071
- State University Law Baden-Württemberg (LHG)
- Federal Law on Temporary Contracts in Science (WissZeitVG)
Additional information