The annual YIN Day is the event where current members and alumni get together – joined by long-standing friends and supporters of the network. They are connected by the goal to make a positive impact on shaping the future of society through science. YIN alumni have themselves started off as junior research group leaders or junior professors on temporary contracts and have by now become distinguished scientific leaders in academia or industry. In the YIN spirit of comradery and trust, they share past experiences and personal anecdotes as well as forming new acquaintances and scientific bonds.
![]() The Highlight of this year, certainly was the YIN Day Lunch with the Vice President Research, the Vice President Higher Education and Academic Affairs, the Vice President Digitalization and Sustainability and all the Heads of Division. It gave the YIN members ample opportunity to informally chat with the highest decision makers at KIT. The former Vice President Research and Honorary YIN member Professor emeritus Detlef Löhe gave an opening address to the afternoon part. After a Focus Lecture on Sustainable Energy Storages, the YIN Grant winning projects were presented and the YIN Certificate Academic Leadership awarded. The festive day was rounded off by a reception for all participants. Impressions |
15. YIN-Jubiläum gefeiert mit (Vize-)Präsidenten von KIT, HGF und DFG |
![]() Personal presence was a huge asset facilitating lively exchange and interaction at this year’s YIN Day. Highlights were project blind dates to find innovative collaborative ideas, greetings from Vice President Oliver Kraft and the Head of Division I Andrea Robitzki as well as three scientific careers talk: YIN member Susanne Benz shared a glimpse into the YIG Preparation Program and her Freigeist Fellowship; alumna Anna Böhmer (l.), Professor of Experimental Physics, especially Solid State, spoke of her research at the Ruhr University Bochum; and Martin Dienwiebel (r.), long-standing YIN alumnus and Professor for Applied Nanotribology, talked about tribology at the cross section between Fraunhofer, KIT, and industry. |
![]() The two highlights of the day were a science walk through the Hardtwald and an invited talk by YIN alumna Rebecca Harrington, professor at the Ruhr University Bochum. During the walk, YIN members and alumni presented their research in short pitches. Between each station, there was plenty of open space for discussion and networking. The first ideas for joined projects have, thus, been born. Rebecca Harrington’s talk on “Using a-typical seismic signals to understand the earthquake problem” concluded the afternoon's online program. A-typical earthquakes occur in unusual depths in the fault zone or away from active plate boundaries. Impressions |
![]() The 11th YIN anniversary started with a workshop on Digital Self-Marketing, followed by a working lunch with poster session. One Highlight was the YIN Lecture by YIN alumnus Bastian Rapp. Now professor at the University of Freiburg, he was recently awarded one of the prestigious Consolidator Grants of the European Research Council ERC. He spoke about Advanced Materials for Additive Manufacturing and 3D-printing in glass - for which he is particularly known since his Nature publication in 2017. An informal get-together afterwards encouraged networking. |
![]() YIN has been on a success story for 10 years! Special thanks go to the friends and supporters of the YIN who have accompanied the network over long distances. We were very happy to see many familiar faces at YIN Day 2018. Highlights of the public program were a scientific keynote lecture by YIN Alumna Erin Koos, professor at the KU Leuven, and a panel discussion on "Careers in Science - Fostering Research"; with selected representatives of the major external funding agencies and university policy. Thank you very much for coming! Impressions YIN Day 2018 |
![]() After a workshop on business etiquette and an interactive poster session, the day was topped off with an inspiring talk given by Georg von Freymann. As a former YIN member and current professor of physics at the University of Kaiserslautern, Freymann reflected on his detouring efforts to become professor, gave insights into bizarre appointment procedures and offered advice on how to deal with setbacks. more |
![]() The choices and premises that lead to “different pathways to success” were in the focus at this year's YIN Day. As special guests, YIN welcomed its alumni Dominik Möst, professor for economics at the TU Dresden, and Timo Mappes, Senior Vice President Innovation at Carl Zeiss Vision International GmbH. Amongst them and the YIN members developed a fruitful discussion about different career options in academia and industry as well as the steps taken to obtain these goals. more |
![]() This year's YIN-Day offered a platform for lively discussions, amplified by a poster session, presentations of the new YIN-Clusters and the YIN-Science Awards as well as an invited talk by YIN-Alumnus Prof. Chris Eberl. Short Review15.10.2015 |
![]() On October 12, 2013, under the patronage of the former President of KIT, Prof. Umbach, and the Minister of Science, Research and the Arts, Ms. Theresia Bauer, YIN celebrated its 5th anniversary in the Audimax of KIT with a very diversified program. At the ceremonial act in the afternoon, YIN could inspire more than 220 guests with the original presentation of its own history. The exciting keynote speech by YIN alumna Katja Schmitz and the top-class panel discussion on the topic of "Scientific Career" rounded off the afternoon. Mehr |
![]() This year the YIN annual meeting focused on the networking aspect between YIN members and alumni and consolidated their connection to KIT. Within an amicable atmosphere it gives the opportunity to exchange scientific, professional and private experience. A highlight was the talk by YIN alumnus Prof. Dominik Möst. more |
![]() The first YIN Day with alumni took place on September 23/24, 2011 - three years after the founding of the Young Investigator Network (YIN). The event serves to strengthen and expand the networking of its members and alumni and to refresh their connections to KIT. In the Torbogensaal of the Botanical Garden, the participants were given ample opportunity to exchange current experiences in scientific and professional fields. As a highlight, the KIT Presidium awarded the "Academic Leadership" certificate for the first time to successful graduates of the YIN continuing education program. more |
![]() On May 12, 2009 the Young Investigator Network (YIN) celebrated its foundation. This network is the first initiative of this kind throughout Germany and a forum for excellent young scientists. YIN is to serve as platform and democratic representation of interests. Highlight was the panel discussion „Perspectives of the Academic Future Leaders Today" with guest from the German Research Foundation (DFG), the ETH Zurich, and BASF. Link_more |
![]() The goal of YIN consists in increasing the attractiveness of KIT for young scientists and especially in supporting junior research group leaders by an extensive coaching and mentoring program for encouraging their personal and professional advancement. The first steps have already been taken successfully: the tailor-made leadership and didactics courses for the YIN members have been created and participants are enthusiastic about the benefits. The tasks of the YIN are funded by the first German Excellence Initiative. more |