![]() Christian Greiner receives one of the three Adolf-Martens-Prizes 2018, presented by the president of the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM). With the award, the Adolf-Martens Fond honors outstanding research of young scientists in material sciences and testing, analytical chemistry, safety technology and associated fields. Christian Greiner leads the Emmy-Noether group “Materials Tribology” and, in 2017, obtained a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for his project “Deformation Mechanisms are the Key to Understanding and Tayloring Tribological Behaviour”. press info BAM |
![]() Multiprecision algorithms mix different precision formats to get faster computation run-time – currently saving up to 20%. While preserving double-precision quality in the output, intermediate calculations can run on a lower precision format. In memory bound algorithms, where the data transfer volume slows down the computation, more-compact precision formats can reduce the pressure on the memory bandwidth. Hence, decoupling of the arithmetic from the memory format is essential, says Hartwig Anzt in a Let’s Talk Exascale podcast. As multiprecision algorithms are not limited to special-function units, a strong focus lies on interoperability. |
![]() The international Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment (KATRIN) has improved the upper limit of the neutrino mass almost by the factor of 2 and made it on the cover of the Physical Review Letters. Based on a purely kinematic method, KATRIN has narrowed down the absolute mass of neutrinos to less than 1.1 electron-volt (eV) at 90% confidence within only four weeks. After 1000 days of data taking, an even higher sensitivity of 0.2 eV will be reached. YIN speaker Kathrin Valerius coordinates the analysis activities at KIT. Overall 20 institutions from 7 countries are part of the KATRIN collaboration. Physical Review Letters |
![]() The business journal CAPITAL chose YIN speaker Kathrin Valerius as one of Germany’s “Young Elite 2019” in the category science and society. Each year the honors go to the top 40 under 40 from economy, politics, science, and society. All these young talents have the potential to influence and shape the future of Germany. On November 21st, they came together at the “Young Elite Summit” in Berlin to exchange ideas beyond their usual sphere of action and set new impulses for society. Among the honorees from the previous years who spoke at the summit was Nora Szech, professor for political economy at KIT (pictured left). Top 40 in Science & Society |
![]() „HoloMed“ unterstützt Chirurgen im Operationssaal: Das intelligente System erstellt anhand von Aufnahmen der Computertomografie und Magnetresonanztomografie ein Modell tiefliegender Körperstrukturen. Über eine Augmented Reality-Brille zeigt HoloMed dem Arzt Führungskanal und Zielbereich der chirurgischen Instrumente präzise an. Bei der Entwicklung haben sich Björn Hein, Franziska Mathis-Ullrich und Christian Kunz auf die Punktion am Gehirn fokusiert. Mit dem Innovationspreis NEO fördert die TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe GmbH jedes Jahr zukunftsweisende Technologien. Presseinfo |
![]() Swiftly measuring and adapting the concentration of active medical substances within the body – Frank Biedermann and his team present a simple, inexpensive method for the Alzheimer medication Memantin in the journal Chemical Science. There, a molecule serves as synthetic receptor dye and “hides” in a second, barrel-shaped molecule. When the active agent displaces the dye, the latter can be determined in medically relevant concentrations in the blood serum outside the barrel molecule. The scientists also issued a guideline on how to transfer the method to other medications and dyes. Chemical Science |
![]() Offering full reproducibility and open source code, software contributions can be more beneficial to the scientific community than classical publications. However, they do not count towards impact metrics like the H-index. To instigate a change, software contributions could become acceptable as a full-value conference submission to be included in the proceedings after an additional independent review. In the blog Better Scientific Software, Hartwig Anzt argues that a community-based assessment would reduce the workload of the independent reviewer and ensure a very high quality. better scientific software |
![]() When being announced 2019 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Stanley Whittingham was at the conference Advanced Lithium Batteries for Automobile Applications at the Helmholtz Institute Ulm. With him were about 380 scientists from 30 nations – among them 3 YIN members specializing in battery research: Dominic Bresser, Julia Maibach, and Roswitha Zeis. Whittingham developed the first functional lithium battery. He shares the honors for developing lithium-ion batteries with John Goodenough, who made them more powerful, and Akira Yoshino, who opened the way for commercial viability. Link_more |
![]() Eine neue Methode erlaubt es, das Risiko an einer Herz-Rhythmusstörung zu erkranken, individuell abzuschätzen. Digitale Simulationen des Herzens identifizieren sämtliche Pfade, entlang derer atypische, kreisende elektrische Erregungen auftreten können. „Unsere Modelle des Herzens beziehen anatomische, elektro-physiologische und pharma-kologische Kriterien mit ein“, sagt Gruppenleiter Axel Loewe. Selbst die Wirkung von Therapien wie Katheterverödung oder Medikamenten lässt sich so vorab individuell einschätzen und maßschneidern. Presseinformation |
![]() The 11th YIN anniversary started with a workshop on Digital Self-Marketing, followed by a working lunch with poster session. One Highlight was the YIN Lecture by YIN alumnus Bastian Rapp. Now professor at the University of Freiburg, he was recently awarded one of the prestigious Consolidator Grants of the European Research Council ERC. He spoke about Advanced Materials for Additive Manufacturing and 3D-printing in glass - for which he is particularly known since his Nature publication in 2017. An informal get-together afterwards encouraged networking. |
![]() Neutrinos and their small non-zero mass play a key role in the evolution of large-scale cosmic structures as well as in the world of elementary particles, where they point to new physics beyond known theories. The upper limit of their absolute mass has now been narrowed down by the initial results of the international Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment (KATRIN) to less than 1 electron-volt (eV) at 90% confidence. YIN speaker Kathrin Valerius coordinates the KATRIN analysis activities at KIT. Overall 20 institutions from 7 countries are part of the collaboration. press info |
![]() In the second run, 532 tenure track professorships went to 57 German universities - thereof 6 to KIT. Therewith, the Federal Government and the States have assigned the 1,000 positions announced in the Early Career Research Pact which are to lead to newly established professorships for life. To accelerate the change towards a tenure track culture, KIT plans to replace about 50 full professorships becoming vacant in the next 15 years with tenure track professors. The tenure track concepts stands for more reliability, clarity, and transparency. Since 2006, KIT has set up about 15 tenure track professorships. press info |
![]() „Wir entwickeln hocheffiziente Dünnschicht-Tandem-Solarmodule mit einem Wirkungsgrad oberhalb von 30 Prozent“, sagt Ulrich Paetzold, Projektpartner am KIT. Dies soll mittels Kombination zweier lichtaktiver Schichten gelingen. Das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie fördert das Verbundprojekt Capitano mit 5,2 Mio. Euro – 2,1 Mio. gehen ans KIT. Partner sind das Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung BW als Koordinator und das Unternehmen NICE Solar Energy, das die Produktion im Industrie-Maßstab sowie die Kosten bemessen wird. Presseinfo |
![]() Reaktionen an den Grenzflächen zwischen Elektrolytflüssigkeit und Elektroden entscheiden mit über Kapazität und Lebensdauer von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien. Hier bildet sich eine Schicht, die als Elektrodenschutz wirken kann, aber auch Ladung verbraucht und zu Kapazitätsverlusten führt. "Mit schwedischen Kollegen haben wir erstmals Lösemittel und Elektrolytlösung mittels Photoelektronen-Spektroskopie untersucht und dabei die flüssige Phase über längere Zeit aufrechterhalten", so Julia Maibach. Maßgebend war der stabilisierende Umgebungsdruck des Lösemittels in Gasform. nature communications |
![]() Energieeffizient, stabil, skalierbar und dazu kostengünstig – eine neuartige Lochleiterschicht für Perowskit-Solarzellen macht es möglich. Das verwendete Nickeloxid hält im Gegensatz zu üblichen organischen Materialien Temperaturen von über 70°C aus und lässt sich mit gängigen Druckverfahren per Tintenstrahl auch großflächig auftragen. Die dabei erzielten Wirkungsgrade erreichen bis zu 18,5 Prozent. „Wir arbeiten gezielt daran, die Perowskit-Photovoltaik in die Fabrik zu bringen“, so Gruppenleiter Ulrich Paetzold. |
![]() Excellent research, dialog with society, and reliable academic careers are the main aspects with which KIT successfully asserted itself in the funding line “university of excellence” in the excellence strategy of the federal and the state governments. YIN members were actively involved with the application process and the on-site appraisal. Junior research group leaders will benefit from a KIT-wide tenure track system, from amplified participation, as well as an extended qualification, support, and cooperation program. The excellence commission chose eleven out of 19 applicant universities. Presseinfo |
![]() Auf der 69. Lindauer Nobelpreisträgertagung war Anna Böhmer eine von 580 ausgewählten Nachwuchs-Wissenschaftlern aus 89 Ländern. Im Jahr der Physik diskutierten 39 Nobelpreisträger über die Themen Kosmologie, Laserphysik und Gravitations-wellen: „Zu meinen Highlights zählten der Science-Walk mit Donna Strickland (2018), die Lebensgeschichte von Claude Cohen Tannoudji (1997) sowie ein Blick hinter die Kulissen der Reform des internationalen Systems der physikalischen Einheiten mit William Philipps (1997) und Klaus von Klitzig (1985),“ so die Helmholtz-Nachwuchsgruppenleiterin. www.lindau-nobel.org |
![]() We want to bring the experience and perspective of junior researchers into the KIT-Senate and, thus, participate in shaping the future at KIT. Please, support the candidacy of junior research group leaders in the election on July 18th with your vote! As YIN members, Hartwig Anzt (l.) and Karsten Woll (r.) stand for plannable career paths and transparent communication on every level; strengthened collaboration between the large-scale research sector and the university sector; Internationalization and diversity; Work-life balance as well as the compatibility of family and career. KIT Senate election |
![]() Jet-Streams geben die Zugbahnen außertropischer Stürme vor und bestimmen damit das regionale Klima und Wettergeschehen maßgeblich. Der Klimawandel wird die Position und Intensität der Jet-Streams verändern und so auch die Häufigkeit starker Stürme außertropischen Ursprungs. Wie die BMBF-Nachwuchsgruppe „Wolken und Sturmzugbahnen“ um Aiko Voigt nun herausfand, hängt die Reaktion der Jet-Streams auf den Klimawandel zu einem Großteil von Wolken ab: Ein bis zwei Drittel der polwärtigen Verschiebung sowie die Verstärkung im Nordatlantik und im südlichen Ozean gehen auf Wolken zurück. more |
![]() YIN members Hartwig Anzt (l.) and Karsten Woll (r.) are part of the newly elected Convention for academic and scientific employees at KIT. As a representative organ, the Conventions bundles opinions and concerns, seeks dialog with the management at KIT, and makes recommendations. YIN acknowledges the Steinbuch Centre for Computing and the Institute for Applied Materials for trusting junior research group leaders to represent them in the Convention. They will also speak for the minority of young investigators at KIT working on temporary contracts. Convention at KIT |
![]() Weltweit fallen die Grundwasserpegel und die Qualität verschlechtert sich. Um Grundwasserressourcen kostengünstig und flächen- deckend zu untersuchen, hat Gabriel Rau gemeinsam mit australischen Kollegen eine neue Methode entwickelt: Ein Drucksensor erfasst gezeiten- abhängigen Schwankungen des Grundwasserpegels, denn die sich ändernde Gravitation wirkt auch im Boden. Anhand der Messungen berechnen die Forscher etwa Porösität, hydraulische Leitfähigkeit und Kompressibilität des Untergrunds. Auf klassische Pumpversuche und angelegte Brunnen können sie verzichten. Reviews of Geophysics |
![]() Perowskit-Tandem-Solarzellen versprechen effiziente Wirkungsgrade oberhalb von 35 Prozent. Dies entspricht einem Anstieg um 10 Prozent gegenüber marktüblichen Silizium-Solarzellen. Die größte Herausforderung besteht darin, metallorganische Perowskit-Materialien mit passgenauem Absorptionsspektrum herzustellen: Ulrich W. Paetzold und sein Team entwickelten nun eine neuartige Kombination aus 2D- und 3D-Perowskit-Materialien mit stark gesteigerte Photospannung und einen Rekord-Wirkungsgrad im gewünschten Spektralbereich. Sie berichten im Fachmagazin Advaned Energy Materials. |
![]() In April 2019, YIN was among the first to welcome the candidates for the first round of the new Young Investigator Group Preparation Program at KIT. The idea is to provide funding and mentorship for outstanding postdocs to prepare a proposal for third-party funded junior research groups. As part of the CRYS council, YIN members were involved in the election process. They will also be among the mentors sharing their experience on how to successfully move on to the next career step. The program aims to increase the number of YIGs at KIT and also to attract more international and female scientists. |
![]() Quantencomputer rechnen parallel und können große Datenmengen effizient verarbeiten. Ihre Informations- träger, die Qubits, nehmen nicht nur die Werte „0“ und „1“ an, sondern auch Überlagerungszustände dazwischen. Je mehr Qubites im Einsatz sind, desto schwieriger ist es, solche Quantenzustände aufrechtzuerhalten. Ein Forscherteam um Nachwuchsgruppenleiter Ioan Pop hat nun erstmals supraleitendes granulares Aluminium eingesetzt und eine damit Kohärenzzeit von bis zu 30 Mikrosekunden erreicht. Sie berichten in der Fachzeitschrift Nature Materials |
![]() The Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage Ulm & Karlsruhe CELEST reinforces joint research on high-performance and environmentally friendly energy storage systems. The activities will range from fundamental research toward the development of new battery technologies and technical applications with a particular focus on training early career researchers.The platform was co-founded by KIT, Ulm University, and the Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg. YIN members Julia Maibach and Dominic Bresser are among the (co-)spokespersons. |
![]() 100 Million euro initial third-party funding, 4,000 weekly teaching hours per semester, and 2,800 peer-reviewed articles – the 10-year statistic speaks for itself. The jubilee edition of the annual magazine YIN Insight further presents the hot topic “The what and why of young investigator programs” with interviews of six funding agencies. The scientific highlights include a recent ERC starting grant, the inauguration of the KATRIN neutrino experiment, and the excellence cluster POLiS. The YIN grants showcase exciting collabo- rations within the network. YIN Insight 2017/18 |
![]() In the project PRINTPERO, German and Greek researchers have teamed up with industrial partners to develop printed perovskite semi-conductors for building integrated photovoltaics. In ACS Applied Energy Materials, they report how a strong color perception can be achieved by inkjet-printing luminescent layers on top of the Perovskite solar cells at a relatively small (∼17%) reduction of power conversion efficiency. Gerardo Hernandez-Sosa and Ulrich Paetzold, both YIN members, added their know-how in electronic printing and photovoltaics respectively. ACS Applied Energy Materials |
![]() Frank Biedermann and Ulrich Paetzold each run a collaborative project supported by the Heidelberg Karlsruhe Strategic Partnership (HEiKA). Frank Biedermann and Prof. Thomas Kuner plan to apply artificial neurotransmitter receptors for the monitoring of dopamine levels in neuronal tissues as well as in prefrontal cortex and basal nuclei of intact mice. Ulrich Paetzold and JProf. Yana Vaynzof aim to utilize the inkjet printing deposition method for fabrication of high yield and high performance perovskite solar cells. Since 2013, YIN members have been involved in 11 HEiKA projects. HEiKA projects |
![]() Five YIN members have taken on new positions as professors within the last six months. Anne Koziolek has just been announced professor for software engineering at KIT. Petra Schwer is now professor for geometry at the University Magdeburg. Bastian Rapp relocated to Freiburg University starting as professor for Process Technology. Frank Schröder has become assistant professor at the University of Delaware. And Cornelia Lee-Thedieck was welcomed as professor for cell biology at the University Hannover. Congratulations! As of now, there are 50 professors among YIN alumni (49%). |
![]() "Negotiating with Confidence", "Challenging Leadership Situations", and "Mastering Conflicts" are three new topics addressed by the YIN continuing education program 2019 - now online. Scheduled are also well-established workshops like "Leadership Excellence" or "Appointment Procedures". YIN continuing education is specially tailored for early-stage academic leaders including leadership skills, project and personnel management, as well as personal development. Small sized groups and expert consultants stand for the high quality of the program. Overview |