Prof. Dr. Timo Mappes
- [sci.] Professor for History of Physics & Founding Director of German Optical Museum
- Material Sciences
Optics and Photonics - Group: [prev.] YIG
- Office Hours: nach Vereinbarung
- Room: Germany, Jena
- timo mappes ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Optisches Museum
Carl-Zeiß-Platz 12
07743 Jena
Biophotonic Sensors
This group of PD Dr.-Ing. Timo Mappes was established in the frame of the German Excellence Initiative I and was partly funded by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). When the group leader joined industrial research & development of Carl Zeiss AG in 2012, the group was discontinued. However, all then still ongoing PhD-projects were subsequently successfully terminated.
The aim of this interdisciplinary group was the creation of the technological basis for novel miniaturized sensor systems out of polymer for fluid analysis in chemistry, biology and medicine. To meet this challenge, process techniques need to be optimized and physical effects have to be simulated in order to build a selection of highly integrated sensor systems that are able to sense specific biomedical parameters. Therefore we were developing solutions for the integration of microfluidic, microoptical, and electro optical sub-systems and components.
Objectives of the development were high sensitivity, a minimal amount of analyte to be used for sensing, and low production cost in order to allow for using the optofluidic chips as disposables.
For specific biophotonic applications chips were optimized to show the reproducability and reliability of the entire system. Scientific foci were in the integration of miniaturized organic lasers on chip, the optimization of polymer resonators, and their biological functionalization for analytics.
The biophotonic systems group was working at the Institute for Microstructure Technology (IMT) in close cooperation with the Light Technology Institute (LTI), in addition there is a fruitful collaboration with the Institute for Applied Physics (APH) RG Kalt.
The doctoral researchers of this group were members of Karlsruhe School of Optics and Photonics (KSOP).
The group was always keeping an eye on the potential of commercializing the own scientific discoveries and has filed a number of patents. Within this context the group has strongly supported the founding of the spin-off company VISOLAS GmbH.
On an international level there is an additional close collaboration with the Optofluidics Group of Prof. Anders Kristensen at DTU NanoTech, part of the Danish Technical University (DTU) in Lyngby near Copenhagen.
The research group of PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Timo Mappes in press and media
- 01 August 2012 Guest Editor of the Special Issue Lab-on-a-Chip Based Diagnostics
Journal of Biophotonics 5 (8-9) Impact-Factor 4.343
- 01 November 2011 European Network of Excellence for Biophotonics PHOTONICS4LIFE
P4L Newsletter 2|2011
- 28 October 2011 KIT ClicKIT No. 2011.4
International studies in Optics and Photonics at KSOP
- 1 July 2011 Representing KIT at the Nobel Laureate Meeting 2011
Ministerpresident of the State of Baden-Württemberg is learing about Biophotonics
- 16 June 2011 KIT Press Release No. 100
Best Commercialization of a Research Result in 2011: High Tech Award CyberOne
- 11 May 2011 Founding of the VISOLAS GmbH as a
Spin-off company of KIT
- 23 March 2011 European Network of Excellence for Biophotonics PHOTONICS4LIFE
P4L Newsletter 1|2011
- 06 January 2011 Nature Photonics with a spotlight on ACTMOST as Micro-optics one-stop shop:
Nature Photonics 5: 9-10
- 17 September 2010 EOS European Optical Society brochure
How optics and photonics address Europe's challenges of the 21sts century
- 23 August 2010 KIT Press Release No. 095
Laser Light from Conical Polymer Microcavities
- 11 August 2010 European Network of Excellence for Biophotonics PHOTONICS4LIFE
P4L Newsletter 2|2010
- 16 June 2010 KIT Press Release No. 074
Bedded in Foil with High Pulse Energies
- 14 April 2010 SPIE Photonics Europe 12-16 April Brussels Best Student Paper
Sönke Klinkhammer: Proc. SPIE 7722
- 10 March 2010 European Network of Excellence for Biophotonics PHOTONICS4LIFE
P4L Newsletter 1|2010
- 12 February 2010 KIT Journal of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
Redtenbacher 17
![]() PD Dr.-Ing. Timo Mappes Senior Vice President Innovation
Technological Platform for Micro Optical Sensors for Life Sciences: Biophotonic Sensors Institute for Microstructure Technology Email: timo.mappes∂kit.edu |
- Lecture at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Ausgewählte Kapitel der Optik und Mikrooptik für Maschinenbauer (German language)
(PD Dr. Timo Mappes)
Der theoretische Hintergrund der im Maschinenbau genutzten optischen Effekte (z.B. zur Positionierung oder Qualitätssicherung) sowie der Aufbau der zugehörigen Geräte und Apparate werden im Maschinenbaustudium bisher nicht gesondert behandelt. Diese Vorlesung führt in die Grundlagen der Optik ein und stellt technisch genutzte optische Effekte und Messverfahren vor. An ausgewählten Beispielen werden Bauelemente der Optik, optische Effekte, optische Instrumente und Apparate sowie deren Anwendung vorgestellt. Fertigungsverfahren für makroskopische und mikroskopische Optiken werden mit den technischen Hintergründen diskutiert. Lecture at Karlsruhe School of Optics and Photonics (KSOP)
Microoptics and Lithography (English language)
(PD Dr. Timo Mappes)
Microoptical components are key elements for a large variety of technical systems, ranging from applications in medicine, in chemical analysis, and in projection systems to consumer products, just to name a few. The course gives an introduction into the basics of microsystems technology, to fabrication processes for micro optical components and microoptical systems, and in particular to lithographic pattern transfer. Finally entire microsystems are presented and their applications are discussed.
Journal referee
- ACS: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
- ACS: Applied Materials and Interfaces
- AIP: Applied Physics Letters
- AIP: Biomicrofluidics
- Royal Society of Chemistry: Lab on a Chip
- IOP: Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
- IEEE: Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
- Elsevier: Microelectronic Engineering
- Nature Publishing Group: Light: Science & Applications
- Elsevier: Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
- OSA: Optics Express
- Springer: Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
- Springer: Microsystem Technologies
- Wiley: Angewandte Chemie International Edition
- Wiley: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences
Guest Editor
Alumni of the former Research Group of PD Dr.-Ing. Timo Mappes
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Dr.-Ing. Tobias Wienhold 07/2010 – 07/2016, doctoral researcher "Integrated dye lasers for all-polymer photonic Lab-on-a-Chip systems" since 09/2016: STRATEC Biomedical AG |
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Dr.-Ing. Uwe Bog 03/2009 – 09/2015, doctoral researcher "Optische Flüstergaleriemoden-Resonatoren und deren Funktionalisierung für die Biosensorik" since 09/2015: Institute of Nanotechnology, KIT |
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Dr.-Ing. Marko Brammer |
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Dr. rer.nat. Tobias Großmann 12/2009 – 11/2012, doctoral researcher "Whispering-Gallery-Mode Lasing in Polymeric Microcavities" since 03/2013: Merck KGaA
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Dr.-Ing. Sönke Kinkhammer 07/2008 – 12/2011, doctoral researcher "Durchstimmare organische Halbleiterlaser" since 05/2013: Leopold Kostal GmbH & Co KG |
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Dr.-Ing. Xin Liu 12/2010 – 05/2015, doctoral researcher "Organic Semiconductor Lasers and Tailored Nanostructures for Raman Spectroscopy" since 08/2015: Robert Bosch GmbH |
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Dipl.-Ing. Dieter Rimpf 03/2009 – 02/2013, doctoral researcher "Integrated optical cell analysis & cell sorting" |
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Dr.-Ing. Mauno Schelb 07/2007 – 02/2011, doctoral researcher "Integrierte Sensoren mit photonischen Kristallen auf Polymerbasis" |
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Dr.-Ing. Christoph Vannahme 04/2008 – 06/2011, doctoral researcher "Integration organischer Laser in Lab-on-Chip Systeme" since 09/2011: Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Nanotech
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Dr. Ziyao Wang |
Selected Publications until 2013
- T. Großmann, T. Wienhold, U. Bog, T. Beck, C. Friedmann, H. Kalt, and T. Mappes
"Polymeric photonic molecule super-mode lasers on silicon",
Light: Science & Applications 2: e82 (2013). - U. Bog, T. Laue, T. Grossmann, T. Beck, T. Wienhold, B. Richter, M. Hirtz, H. Fuchs, H. Kalt, and T. Mappes,
"On-chip microlasers for biomolecular detection via highly localized deposition of a multifunctional phospholipid ink",
Lab on a Chip 13: 2701-2707 (2013). - T. Mappes,
"Wolfgang Fritzsche and Jürgen Popp (Eds.): Optical nano- and microsystems for bioanalytics",
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 405 (17): 5633-5634 (2013). - M. Brammer, C. Megnin, A. Voigt, M.Kohl, and T. Mappes,
"Modular Optoelectronic Microfluidic Backplane for Fluid Analysis Systems",
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 22 (2): 462-470 (2013). - X. Liu, P. Stefanou, B. Wang, T. Woggon, T. Mappes, and U. Lemmer,
"Organic semiconductor distributed feedback (DFB) laser as excitation source in Raman spectroscopy",
Optics Express 21 (23): 28941-28947 (2013). - X. Liu, S. Klinkhammer, Z. Wang, T. Wienhold, C. Vannahme, P.-J. Jakobs, A. Bacher, A. Muslija, T. Mappes, and U. Lemmer,
"Pump spot size dependent lasing threshold in organic semiconductor DFB lasers fabricated via nanograting transfer",
Optics Express 21 (23): 27697-27706 (2013). - T. Beck, M. Mai, T. Großmann, T. Wienhold, M. Hauser, T. Mappes, and H. Kalt
"High-Q polymer resonators with spatially controlled photo-functionalization for biosensing applications",
Applied Physics Letters 102 (12): 121108 (2013). - M. Brammer and T. Mappes,
"Modular Platforms for Optofluidic Systems",
Optofluidics 1: 1-10 (2013).
- T. Wienhold, F. Breithaupt, C. Vannahme, M.B. Christiansen, W. Dörfler, A. Kristensen, and T. Mappes,
"Diffusion driven optofluidic dye lasers encapsulated into polymer chips",
Lab on a Chip 12: 3734-3739 (2012). - T. Mappes, N. Jahr, A. Csaki, N. Vogler, J. Popp, and W. Fritzsche,
"The Invention of Immersion Ultramicroscopy in 1912—The Birth of Nanotechnology?",
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 51 (45): 11208-11212 (2012). - T. Beck, S. Schloer, T. Grossmann, T. Mappes, and H. Kalt,
"Flexible coupling of high-Q goblet resonators for formation of tunable photonic molecules",
Optics Express 20 (20): 22012-22017 (2012). - T. Grossmann, M.B. Christiansen, J. Peterson, H. Kalt, T. Mappes, and A. Kristensen,
"Direct laser writing for nanoporous liquid core laser sensors",
Optics Express 20 (16): 17467-17473 (2012). - U. Bog, K. Huska, F. Maerkle, A. Nesterov-Mueller, U. Lemmer, and T. Mappes,
"Design of plasmonic grating structures towards optimum signal discrimination for biosensing applications",
Optics Express 20 (10): 11357-11369 (2012).
selected for additional publication in
Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics 7 (7) (2012). - S. Klinkhammer, X. Liu, K. Huska, Y. Shen, S. Vanderheiden, S. Valouch, C. Vannahme, S. Bräse, T. Mappes, and U. Lemmer,
"Continuously tunable solution-processed organic semiconductor DFB lasers pumped by laser diode",
Optics Express 20 (6): 6357-6364 (2012). - X. Liu, S. Klinkhammer, K. Sudau, N. Mechau, C. Vannahme, J. Kaschke, T. Mappes, M. Wegener, and U. Lemmer,
"Ink-jet-printed organic semiconductor distributed feedback laser",
Applied Physics Express 5: 072101 (2012). - T. Mappes and H. Schmidt,
"Editorial: Biophotonics on a chip",
Journal of Biophotonics 5 (8-9): 599-600 (2012). - T. Wienhold, M. Brammer, T. Grossmann, M. Schneider, H. Kalt, and T. Mappes,
"Microoptical device for efficient read-out of active WGM resonators"
Proc. SPIE 8428: 842812 (2012). - W. Schwarz, A. Bergmann, A. J. Márquez del Pino, D. Wahl, D. Rimpf, T. Mappes, and R. Michalzik,
"Towards a laser-integrated module for marker-free sorting of micrometer-sized particles in microfluidic channels"
Proc. SPIE 8427: 84270U (2012). - M. Brammer, C. Megnin, M. Siegfarth, S. Sobich, A. Hofmann, D. Rabus, and T. Mappes,
"Optofluidic backplane as a platform for modular system design"
Proc. SPIE 8251: 82510O (2012).
- S. Giselbrecht, M. Reinhardt, T. Mappes, M. Börner, E. Gottwald, C. van Blitterswijk, V. Saile, R. Truckenmüller,
"Closer to Nature–Bio-inspired Patterns by Transforming Latent Lithographic Images",
Advanced Materials 23 (42): 4873-4879 (2011). - S. Klinkhammer, N. Heussner, K. Huska, T. Bocksrocker, F. Geiselhöringer, C. Vannahme, T. Mappes, U. Lemmer,
"Voltage-controlled tuning of an organic semiconductor distributed feedback laser using liquid crystals",
Applied Physics Letters 99 (2): 023307 (2011). - T. Grossmann, S. Schleede, M. Hauser, T. Beck, M. Thiel, G. v. Freymann, T. Mappes, H. Kalt,
"Direct laser writing for active and passive high-Q polymer microdisks on silicon",
Optics Express 19 (12): 11451-11456 (2011). - T. Grossmann, S. Klinkhammer, M. Hauser, D. Floess, T. Beck, C. Vannahme, T. Mappes, U. Lemmer, H. Kalt,
"Strongly confined, low-threshold laser modes in organic semiconductor microgoblets",
Optics Express 19 (10): 10009-10016 (2011). - C. Vannahme, S. Klinkhammer, U. Lemmer, T. Mappes,
"Plastic Lab-on-a-chip for fluorescence excitation with integrated organic semiconductor lasers",
Optics Express 19 (9): 8179-8186 (2011).
selected for additional publication in
Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics 6 (5) (2011). - Z. Wang, J. Hauss, C. Vannahme, U. Bog, S. Klinkhammer, D. Zhao, M. Gerken, T. Mappes, U. Lemmer,
"Nanograting transfer for light extraction in organic light-emitting devices",
Applied Physics Letters 98 (14): 143105 (2011). - S. Klinkhammer, T. Grossmann, K. Lull, M. Hauser, C. Vannahme, T. Mappes, H. Kalt, U. Lemmer,
"Diode-Pumped Organic Semiconductor Microcone Laser",
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 23 (8): 489-491 (2011). - M. Schelb, C. Vannahme, A. Kolew, and T. Mappes,
"Hot embossing of photonic crystal polymer structures with a high aspect ratio",
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 21 (2): 025017 (2011). - T. Grossmann, S. Schleede, M. Hauser, M.B. Christiansen, C. Vannahme, C. Eschenbaum, S. Klinkhammer, T. Beck, J. Fuchs, G.U. Nienhaus, U. Lemmer, A. Kristensen, T. Mappes, and H. Kalt,
"Lasing in dye-doped high-Q conical polymeric microcavities"
Proc. SPIE 7913: 79130Y (2011). - T. Beck, M. Hauser, T. Grossmann, D. Floess, S. Schleede, J. Fischer, C. Vannahme, T. Mappes, and H. Kalt,
"PMMA-micro goblet resonators for biosensing applications"
Proc. SPIE 7888: 78880A (2011).
- C. Vannahme, S. Klinkhammer, M. Brøkner Christiansen, A. Kolew, A. Kristensen, U. Lemmer, and T. Mappes,
"All-polymer organic semiconductor laser chips: Parallel fabrication and encapsulation",
Optics Express 18 (24): 24881-24887 (2010). - T. Grossmann, S. Schleede, M. Hauser, M.B. Christiansen, C. Vannahme, C. Eschenbaum, S. Klinkhammer, T. Beck, J. Fuchs, G.U. Nienhaus, U. Lemmer, A. Kristensen, T. Mappes, and H. Kalt
"Low-threshold conical microcavity dye laser",
Applied Physics Letters 97 (6): 063304 (2010). - C. Vannahme, M.B. Christiansen, T. Mappes, and A. Kristensen,
"Optofluidic dye laser in a foil",
Optics Express 18 (9): 9280-9285 (2010).
selected for additional publication in
Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics 5 (9) (2010). - S. Lenhert, F. Brinkmann, T. Laue, S. Walheim, C. Vannahme, S. Klinkhammer, M. Xu, S. Sekula, T. Mappes, T. Schimmel, and H. Fuchs,
"Lipid multilayer gratings",
Nature Nanotechnology 5: 275-279 (2010). - M. Schelb, C. Vannahme, A. Welle, S. Lenhert, B. Ross, and T. Mappes,
"Fluorescence excitation on monolithically integrated all-polymer chips",
Journal of Biomedical Optics 15 (4): 041517 (2010). - C. Vannahme, S. Klinkhammer, A. Kolew, P.-J. Jakobs, M. Guttmann, S. Dehm, U. Lemmer, and T. Mappes,
"Integration of organic semiconductor lasers and single-mode passive waveguides into a PMMA substrate",
Microelectronic Engineering 87 (5-8): 693-695 (2010). - T. Grossmann, M. Hauser, T. Beck, C. Gohn-Kreuz, M. Karl, H. Kalt, C. Vannahme, and T. Mappes,
"High-Q conical polymeric microcavities",
Applied Physics Letters 96 (1): 013303 (2010). - Y. Nazirizadeh, U. Bog, S. Sekula, T. Mappes, U. Lemmer, and M. Gerken,
"Low-cost label-free biosensors using photonic crystals embedded between crossed polarizers",
Optics Express 18 (18): 19120-19128 (2010).
selected for additional publication in
Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics 5 (13) (2010). - D. M. Klymyshyn, T. Mappes, S. Achenbach, A. Kachayev, M. Börner, and J. Mohr,
"X-ray fabrication of SAW resonators with narrow electrodes in thick high-aspectratio polymer templates",
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 20 (7): 075031 (2010). - S. Klinkhammer, T. Woggon, C. Vannahme, U. Geyer, T. Mappes, and U. Lemmer,
"Optical spectroscopy with organic semiconductor lasers", (Best Student Paper)
Proc. SPIE 7722: 77221I (2010). - T. Mappes, C. Vannahme, S. Klinkhammer, U. Bog, M. Schelb, T. Grossmann, M. Hauser, H. Kalt, and U. Lemmer,
"Integrated photonic lab-on-chip systems for biomedical applications", (Invited Paper)
Proc. SPIE 7716: 77160R (2010). - T. Mappes, M. Schelb, C. Vannahme, S. Lenhert, B. Ross, and A. Welle,
"Biophotonic fluorescence excitation with integrated polymer waveguides",
Proc. SPIE 7716: 77162A (2010). - M. Hauser, T. Grossmann, S. Schleede, J. Fischer, T. Beck, C. Vannahme, T. Mappes, and H. Kalt,
"Fabrication and characterization of high-Q conical polymeric microcavities",
Proc. SPIE 7716: 77161Z (2010). - C. Vannahme, S. Klinkhammer, F. Brinkmann, S. Lenhert, T. Großmann, U. Lemmer, and T. Mappes,
"Highly integrated biophotonics towards all-organic lab-on-chip systems",
Proc. SPIE 7715: 77151H (2010).
- S. Klinkhammer, T. Woggon, U. Geyer, C. Vannahme, S. Dehm, T. Mappes, and U. Lemmer,
"A continuously tunable low-threshold organic semiconductor distributed feedback laser fabricated by rotating shadow mask evaporation",
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 97 (4): 787-791 (2009). - T. Mappes, C. Vannahme, S. Klinkhammer, and U. Lemmer,
"Polymer biophotonic lab-on-chip with integrated organic semiconductor lasers",(Invited Paper)
SPIE Newsroom: Biomedical Optics & Medical Imaging (2009). - T. Mappes, C. Vannahme, S. Klinkhammer, T. Woggon, M. Schelb, S. Lenhert, J. Mohr, and U. Lemmer,
"Polymer biophotonic lab-on-chip devices with integrated organic semiconductor lasers", (Invited Paper)
Proc. SPIE 7418: 74180A (2009). - T. Mappes, C. Vannahme, M. Schelb, U. Lemmer, and J. Mohr
"Design for optimized coupling of organic semiconductor laser light into polymer waveguides for highly integrated biophotonic sensors",
Microelectronic Engineering 86 (6): 1499-1501 (2009). - M. Worgull, M. Heckele, T. Mappes, B. Matthis, G. Tosello, T. Metz, J. Gavillet, P. Koltay, and H. N. Hansen,
"Sub-µ structured Lotus Surface Manufacturing",
Microsystem Technologies 15 (8): 1327-1333 (2009). - T. Woggon, M. Punke, M. Stroisch, M. Bruendel, M. Schelb, C. Vannahme, T. Mappes, J. Mohr, and U. Lemmer
"Organic Semiconductor Lasers as Integrated Light Sources for Optical Sensors", in R. Shinar, J. Shinar [editors]:
Organic Electronics in Sensors and Biotechnology, McGraw-Hill Books, Columbus, OH, USA, ISBN 0071596755: 265-298 (2009).
- R. Truckenmüller, S. Giselbrecht, C. van Blitterswijk, N. Dambrowsky, E. Gottwald, T. Mappes, A. Rolletschek, V. Saile, C. Trautmann, K.-F. Weibezahn and A. Welle
"Flexible fluidic microchips based on thermoformed and locally modified thin polymer films",
Lab on a Chip 8 (9): 1570-1579 (2008). - T. Mappes, M. Worgull, M. Heckele, and J. Mohr,
"Submicron polymer structures with X-ray lithography and hot embossing",
Microsystem Technologies 14 (9-11): 1721-1725 (2008). - D. Haluzan, D. Klymyshyn, M. Börner, S. Achenbach, G. Wells, T. Mappes, and J. Mohr,
"Stiction Issues and Actuation of RF LIGA-MEMS Variable Capacitors",
Microsystem Technologies 14 (9-11): 1709-1714 (2008). - S. Achenbach, D. Klymyshyn, T. Mappes, A. Kachayev, V. Subramanian, G. Wells, and J. Mohr,
"Submicron-Scale Surface Acoustic Wave Resonators Fabricated by High Aspect Ratio X-Ray Lithography and Aluminum Lift-Off",
Microsystem Technologies 14 (9-11): 1715-1719 (2008). - T. Mappes, J. Mohr, K. Mandisloh, M. Schelb, and B. Ross,
"A compound microfluidic device with integrated optical waveguides",
Proc. SPIE 6992: 69920L (2008). - T. Mappes, S. Lenhert, O. Kassel, C. Vannahme, M. Schelb, and J. Mohr,
"An all polymer optofluidic chip with integrated waveguides for biophotonics",
Digest of IEEE/LEOS Summer Topicals 2008, Acapulco, Mexico, July 21-23: 215-216 (2008). - G. Golojuch, U. Hollenbach, T. Mappes, J. Mohr, A. Urbanczyk, and W. Urbanczyk,
"Investigation of birefringence in PMMA channel waveguides inscribed with DUV radiation",
Measurement Science and Technology 19 (2): 025304 (2008).
- S. Achenbach, D. Klymyshyn, D. Haluzan, T. Mappes, G. Wells, and J. Mohr,
"Fabrication of RF MEMS Variable Capacitors by Deep X-Ray Lithography and Electroplating",
Microsystem Technologies 13 (3-4): 343-347 (2007). - T. Mappes, S. Achenbach, and J. Mohr,
"Process conditions in X-ray lithography for the fabrication of devices with sub-micron feature sizes",
Microsystem Technologies 13 (3-4): 355-360 (2007). - T. Mappes, S. Achenbach, and J. Mohr,
"X-Ray Lithography for Devices with High Aspect Ratio Polymer Submicron Structures",
Microelectronic Engineering 84 (5): 1235-1239 (2007). - G. Golojuch, U. Hollenbach, T. Mappes, J. Mohr, A. Urbanczyk, and W. Urbanczyk,
"Measurements and modeling of birefringence in PMMA channel waveguides inscribed with DUV radiation",
Proc. SPIE 6585: 65851W (2007). - Y. Ichihashi, T. Mappes, J. Mohr,
"UV-induzierte Brechzahländerung zur Herstellung von Wellenleitern und Integration von Siliziumphotodioden",
Wissenschaftliche Berichte FZKA 7355 (2007). - D.M. Klymyshyn, D.T. Haluzan, M. Börner, S. Achenbach, J.Mohr, and T. Mappes
"High Aspect ratio Vertical Cantilever RF-MEMS Variable Capacitor",
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 17 (2): 127-129 (2007).
- T. Mappes, S. Achenbach, J. Mohr,
"Hochauflösende Röntgenlithografie zur Herstellung polymerer Submikrometerstrukturen mit großem Aspektverhältnis",
Wissenschaftliche Berichte FZKA 7215 (2006). - V. Nazmov, V. Saile, E. Reznikova, J. Mohr, M. Börner, T. Mappes, T. Ernst, R. Simon,
"Planare refraktive Röntgenlinsen",
Nachrichten – Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe 37 (4): 219-223 (2005). - J. Kando, S. Aschenbach, R. Fettig, T. Mappes, J. Mohr, M. Hermatschweiler, D.C. Meisel, M. Wegener,
"Innovative Prozesstechnologien zur Herstellung 2D polymerer Photonischer Kristalle",
Wissenschaftliche Berichte FZKA 6990: 25-30 (2004). - T. Mappes, S. Achenbach, A. Last, J. Mohr, R. Truckenmüller,
"Evaluation of optical qualities of a LIGA-spectrometer in SU-8",
Microsystem Technologies 10 (6-7): 560-563 (2004). - S. Achenbach, T. Mappes, and J. Mohr,
"Structure Quality of High Aspect Ratio Sub Micron Polymer Structures patterned at the Electron Storage Ring ANKA",
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 22 (6): 3196-3201 (2004). - S. Achenbach, T. Mappes, R. Fettig, J. Kando, and J. Mohr,
"Process conditions for the fabrication of sub-wavelength scale structures by x-ray lithography in PMMA films",
Proc. SPIE 5450: 86-94 (2004).