PD Dr. rer. pol. Patrick Jochem
- [sci.] Head of Department Energy Systems Analysis at the German Aerospace Center DLR
- Economics
Transport, Energy - Group: [prev.] KIT goup
- Room: Germany, Stuttgart
- Research
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Institut für Vernetzte Energiesysteme
Curiestr. 4
70563 Stuttgart
The overriding objective of the research group “Transport and Energy” is to determine the impacts of electric vehicles on energy systems and material flows, which is achieved through techno-economic analyses. We define a techno-economic analysis as an interdisciplinary analysis incorporating technical, business, economic, socioeconomic and ecological aspects, which in our case is supported by agent-based simulation models or energy and material flow models.
Special expertise:
- Electric Mobility
- Environmental Economics, Climate Change and Road transport
- Modelling
- Econometrics