Deliver your message, transform your audience!
Scientific presentations are usually peppered with facts and figures and thus often address only a very small, expert circle of the audience. This workshop shows how I, as a scientist, reach everyone: with a story, a thread running through the presentation. This is especially important in front of an international audience. The speaker is American, has studied acting and is coaching scientists for presentations and public speeches/performances.
Being able to efficiently present your research and yourself is a necessary skill to cultivate as a scientist, especially on an early career stage. Furthermore, the increasing multidisciplinary in all research fields and the current need to clearly communicate science to the general public can become somewhat challenging as the content, message and delivery of presentation need to be adapted for each audience. To prepare for this tasks, me and nine other YIN members attended the workshop “Deliver your message – transform your audience”. Over two days, the instructor introduced us to different presentation techniques. Aided by her background in acting, she guided us through the elements that compose a story and the storyboarding process. From day one, warming up exercises and interactive activities helped us gain confidence on identifying and creating the “presenter” personality that would effectively deliver the message to a specific audience. Of equally importance were the delivery techniques: the significance of posture, pauses, and stage management. All participants had the opportunity to prepare and present a short talk during which we received personalized coaching, feedback, and advice on how to overcome bad habits and further develop existing skills. The workshop helped us to gain confidence in adapting our style by expanding our presentation toolbox and realize that the best way to prepare for a presentation is to focus on how to reach the audience. For me, this was input that I have been able to put in practice right away and has made a different in the way I approach public speaking.