YIN Day 2024 with Vice Presidents & Divisions Heads

This year's YIN Day started of with a Science Walk, during which our YIN members took a leisurely walk through the Hardtwald and introduced their research.
Afterwards, Anka Schneider introduced games and tools for interactive group work where the YIN members could get to know each other better and collect ideas for retreats with their own groups.
The highlight of this year was certainly the YIN Day Lunch with the Vice President Research, the Vice President Education and Academic Affairs, the Vice President Digitalization and Sustainability, and the heads of all fice Divisions at KIT. The YIN members had ample opportunity to informally chat and exchange views with the highest decision-makers of KIT.
Former Vice President Research and YIN honorary member Professor em. Detlef Löhe opened the afternoon session with greetings to the young investigators at KIT.
The Focus Lecture was on “Energy Storage Technologies for the Energy Transition”. The usage of renewable energies comes with new challenges and requires innovative solutions - especially in regard to energy storage. Moritz Wolf (l.), Simon Fleischmann, Florian Strauss, Philipp Röse, Jan Haußmann, Klarissa Niedermeier, and Kathrin Menberg (r.) gave presentations on “Energy Storages,” “Chemical Energy Storage and Utilization-Hydrogen,” and “High-temperature heat storage.”
Afterwards, the YIN News and related statistics on YIN members, new members and new alumnis were announced and the YIN Grant 2023 projects presented.
Finally, the YIN Certificate "Academic Leadership" was awarded to Julian Thimme and Philip Willke. The festive day ended with a reception of all participants.