YIN Grants

The Young Investigator Network deliberately fosters cooperative science projects among its members. With a small start-up budget, the young scientists can test and further develop their ideas. The goal is to pave the way for joined publications or initiate larger-scale research projects that may apply for external funding.
Professional collaborations also strengthen the connection among junior research group leaders and junior professors as well as with the YIN alumni.
In an internal competition, YIN each year awards the most innovative research proposals. Chosen projects receive a financial benefit e.g. for scientific equipment. A jury of KIT-internal and external reviewers decides on the submitted proposals.
YIN Award 2024
YIN members | Project title | Institution at KIT |
G. Kabay, |
Nanoformulated Astaxanthin-polydopamine (ASX-PDA): Towards Disease-Modifying Therapeutics Development for Chronic Inflammatory Multiple Sclerosis Therapy (Acronym: nano-ASTADopa) |
YIN Grants 2024
M. Meretska,
A. Butz
Airborne Greenhouse Gas Detection Metalens (AGDM) Camera |
INT, YIN Alumni |
S. Saha,
S. Benz
CoolTree - The cooling potential of city trees at the local scale in parks and streets |
YIN Award 2023
YIN members | Project title | Institution at KIT |
S. Fleischmann, |
Can the mitigation of cathode volume changes enable stable solid-state batteries? |
YIN Grants 2023
C. Debus,
S. Lerch, J. Quinting
A. Stroh |
YIN Award 2022
YIN members | Project title | Institution at KIT |
C. Bizzarri, |
YIN Grants 2022
P. Friederich, |
Atoms and Molecules on Surfaces explored by Machine Learning |
K. Scherf, |
Oleogels from pectin particles for fat reduction in fine bakery goods - OLEOBAKE |
YIN Award 2021
YIN members | Project title | Institution at KIT |
C. Bizzarri, |
Benchmarking artificial photosynthesis by comparing it to natural photosynthesis |
YIN Grants 2021
J. Thimme |
A machine learning approach to high frequency macroeconomic data |
Z. Pianowski |
YIN Award 2020
YIN members | Project title | Institution at KIT |
K. Schulz, |
YIN Grants 2020
J. Maibach, |
H. Anzt, A. Loewe |
YIN Award 2019
YIN members | Project title | Institution at KIT |
A. Voigt, P. Schwer |
IMK-TRO, YIN Alumni |
YIN Grants 2019
C. Grams, |
D. Hoang | Monetary Policy Communication, Cognitive Abilities, and Expectations | Chair of Banking and Finance |
YIN Award 2018
YIN members | Project title | Institution at KIT |
A. Rettinger, P. Niemann |
Computational Perception Models of Scientific Presentations |
YIN Grants 2018
C. Lee-Thedieck, |
K. Woll, C. Brandl |
Utilizing 2-dimensional lattice defects to design novel reinforcements for nanocrystalline metals | IAM-WBM |
YIN Award 2017
YIN members | Project title | Institution at KIT |
F. Biedermann, M. Tsotsalas |
Experimental test of high-energy water release model applied to adsorption of guest molecules within functional materials |
YIN Grants 2017
S. Betz, A. Koziolek |
Sustainability aware Enterprise Information Systems Modeling and Analysis | AIFB, IPD |
G. Delaittre, M. Hirtz |
Integration of electron-beam and optical lithography, for the development of quantum coherent electronics | ITCP, INT |
YIN Award 2016
YIN members | Project title | Institution at KIT |
A. Haupt, B. Neubert |
Visualizing complex relations for distributional analyses |
YIN Grants 2016
E. Koos, J. Syurik |
AFM measurements of capillary forces between micro particles in gaseous and liquid environments | MVM, IMT |
I. Pop, M. Weides |
Integration of electron-beam and optical lithography, for the development of quantum coherent electronics | PHI |
YIN Grants 2015
YIN members | Project title | Institution at KIT |
M. Hirtz, J. Syurik |
Towards Massively Parallelized Electrochemical Dip-Pen Nanolithography | Institute of Nanotechnology / Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT) |
F. Löffler J. Overhage |
Microstructured peptide arrays for high-throughput antibiotic and biofilm inhibitor screening | Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnik (IMT) / Institute of Functional Interfaces (IFG) |
H. Meyerhenke A. Schug |
Protein Structure Prediction by tracing Amino Acid Co-Evolution via Graph Theory | Institute for Theoretical Informatics (ITI) / Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) |
YIN Grants 2014
YIN-Mitglieder | Projekttitel | Institution am KIT |
G. Delaittre C. Grabher |
Proton-Mediated Regulation of Inflammation - Temporal and Spatial Control via Photo-Activatable Proton Geysers and Sinks | Institut für Technische Chemie und Polymerchemie (ITCP) / Institut für Toxikologie und Genetik (ITG) |
A. Nesterov-Müller J. Syurik |
AFM-based nanomanipulation and characterization of peptide arrays | Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT) |
S. Scholpp A. Schug |
Numerical simulation of Wnt propagation in a living tissue by a filopodia-based transport mechanism | Institut für Toxikologie und Genetik (ITG) / Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) |
K. Schulz K. Weidenmann |
Untersuchung der Entstehung von Mikrorissen in Metallmatrix-verbunden mit Partikelverstärkung aus metallischem Glas | Institut für Angewandte Materialien (IAM) |
YIN Grant 2013
YIN-Mitglieder | Projekttitel | Institution am KIT |
M.Nöllenburg, H.Meyerhenke |
Effiziente parallele Graphpartitionierung mit Hilfe von kräftebasiertem Graphenzeichnen |
Institut für Theoretische Informatik (ITI) |
C. Lee-Thedieck, Pavel Levkin | Screen stem cell behavior in 3D |
Institut für funktionelle Grenzflächen (IFG) Institut für Toxikologie und Genetik (ITG) |
YIN Investment Grant 2012
- Clemens Grabher, Institut für Toxikologie und Genetik (ITG)
- Tobias Jochum, Institut für Synchrotronstrahlung ISS/LAS
YIN Investment Grant 2011
- Iris Gebauer, Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik
- Daniela Kobbe, Botanisches Institut II
- Danilo Maddalo, Institut für Toxikologie und Genetik (ITG)
- Jan Paradies, Institut für Organische Chemie (IOC)
- Ralf Ulrich, Institut für Nukreare Physik (IK)
Funded Start-up Projects
- 2011
YIN-Mitglieder | Projekttitel | Institution am KIT |
C.Franz, J.Kashef |
Characterization of Cadherin-11 mediated cell substrate adhesion using Atomic Force Microscopy |
Center for Nanostructures (CFN) |
R.Danneau, R.Hoffmann-Vogel |
Study of graphene nanoribbonsby electronic transport and atomic force microscopy |
Institut für Nanotechnologie (INT), Physikalisches Institut |
L.Wegner, H.K.Ekenel |
An exploratory study on automatic monitoring of vegetation using computer vision techniques |
IFA -Institut für Anthropomatik, Botanisches Institut I, Institut für Hochleistungsimpuls- und Mikrowellentechnik (IHM) |
- 2010
YIN-Mitglieder | Projekttitel | Institution am KIT |
H.K.Ekenel, M.Taghdiri, C.Sinz |
Automatically Checking Face Processing Software |
IFA -Institut für Anthropomatik, Institut für Theoretische Informatik |
R.Danneau, R.Hoffmann-Vogel |
Stencil mask technique for the fabrication of an ultraflat graphene field effect transistor |
Institut für Nanotechnologie, (INT) und Physikalisches Institut |
P.Levkin, |
Generation of Shh gradients in-vitro by using light-inducible polymer films |
Institut für Toxikologie und Genetik (ITG) |
I.Nazarenko, J.Kashef |
Deciphering the role of tetraspanin Tspan8 and its relatives Tspan2 and CD82 in embryo- and organogenesis |
Institut für Toxikologie und Genetik (ITG) und Zoologisches Institut II |
S.Rapp, K.Schmitz |
Protein-Bitmaps: Protein patterns generated by a digital mirror device for the study of leukocyte migration |
Institut für Organische Chemie und Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnik (IMT) |
- 2009
YIN-Mitglieder | Projekttitel | Institution am KIT |
C.Franz, L.Fruk |
In vivo study of biofunctionalized, photoactivable TiO2- and Pt-nanoparticles using AFM and fluorescence microscopy", Centre for Functional Nanostructure |
Center for Functional Nanostructures (CFN) |
C.Franz, D.Schaadt |
Investigation of micromagnetic properties of Cu:GaN with scanning probe techniques", Centre for Functional Nanostructure |
Center for Functional Nanostructures (CFN) |