Umgang mit schwierigen Gesprächssituationen und Konflikten

  • Konflikte in Teams und Arbeitsgruppen äußern sich manchmal laut und unübersehbar, oft aber auch eher unterschwellig und in Form nur diffus wahrnehmbarer Spannungen. Als verantwortliche Führungskraft stehen Sie dann vor der Frage: Soll bzw. muss ich hier und jetzt eingreifen - und in welcher Form mache ich das gegebenenfalls?

    In diesem Seminar lernen Sie ein Modell kennen, das Ihnen Orientierung in einer solchen Entscheidungssituation ermöglicht und passende Interventionsmöglichkeiten für die unterschiedlichen Eskalationsgrade eines Konflikts anbietet. Hierzu werden Fallbeispiele aus der Gruppe verwendet.

Report by Dr. Claudia Bizzarri (2022)

Even if you have a friendly attitude, different types of conflicts may arise in your daily work. Maybe there was a misalignment between your understanding of how a specific job should be done and that of your colleague. Perhaps, there is this collaborator who is late in providing you with the agreed experiment or that student who continues to make same mistake over and over. Just close your eyes and think about what bothers the working environment around you. Most of the time, it is just an inadequate communication or some unclear instructions that might cause this kind of conflict. Yet, the idea that a conflict will dissolve itself over time alone is wrong.

Within the two-day online workshop on Conflict Management, we have revised some basic rules of communication, among which transparency is vital. In a very cozy atmosphere, as always in workshops with YIN members, we shared our issues and worked out possible solutions with the moderation of the coach. To do so, the information about the five steps for a sustainable solution and the concept of “non-violent communication” was beneficial. We analyzed the various types of conflicts and recognized their distinct phases. Thanks to this workshop, we better understand the role of the team leader in moderating conflicts that might arise within the team, and got the necessary tools to deescalate and solve them.