![]() How can polydopamin be applied with UV-Light? The research group of Dr. Pavel Levkin has published their result in Advanced Materials. More1 |
![]() At the YIN network meeting on 19. November Dr. Simone Schwanitz, MWK Stuttgart, discussed with the junior research leaders about university policy, paths to professorship and alternative careers in the higher education systems. Review21.11.2014 |
![]() From a super repellent surface oil as well as water drips off. Dr. Bastian Rapp focuses on making such a material more robust. The BMBF funds his research with 2.85 Million Euro during the next four years. Link_more |
![]() Where do antibodies have to bind to a pathogen for protection against an infection? For his doctoral thesis on this subject Dr. Felix Löffler receives the first Young Scientist Award of the Gips-Schüle Foundation, endowed with 10,000 Euro. More15.10.2014 |
![]() This year's YIN-Day offered a platform for lively discussions, amplified by a poster session, presentations of the new YIN-Clusters and the YIN-Science Awards as well as an invited talk by YIN-Alumnus Prof. Chris Eberl. Short Review15.10.2015 |
![]() On the 10th international Humboldt-Day at KIT YIN-speakers talk about the activities at YIN and their experiences with cooperative projects and continuing education of junior researchers. More |
YIN-Member received Ewald-Wicke Award 2014 Dr. Pavel A. Levkin received Ewald Wicke-Award 2014 of the Ewald Wicke-Foundation. Every year the foundation awards young scientists in the area of applied physical chemistry for their outstanding achievements. Dr. Pavel Levkin was awarded for his outstanding work in the field of the production of structured superhydrophobic/ superhydrophilic surfaces and their applications in cell biology and microfluidics. The Prize was awarded at the 113th Bunsentagung 29th -31st of May 2014 in Hamburg. More |
YIN-Mitglied erhält Helene-Lange-Preis 2014 Dr.-Ing. Katrin Schulz erhielt den Helene-Lange-Preis 2014. Dieser Preis ist ein Förderpreis für Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen in den MINT Disziplinen. Er wird jährlich nur an eine Nachwuchswissenschaftlerin für ihre Leistungen in Forschung und Lehre verliehen. Gleichzeitig will der Preis motivieren, den eingeschlagenen Weg konsequent weiter zu gehen. Mehr |
YIN-Mitglied in "Advanced Materials" The inside cover image is a 2D pattern of water surface-tension-confined channels formed on an array of hydrophilic spots (“digits”) surrounded by hydrophobic barriers. This method, called digital liquid patterning (DLP), allows for the formation of liquid patterns of arbitrary and easily variable geometries without the need for the fabrication of new photomasks for every pattern with a different geometry. Further details can be found in article 1300075 by P. A. Levkin and co-workers. Mehr |
YIN stellte sich am 07. Mai 2014 beim Kick-off Meeting der Nachwuchswissenschaftler in Heidelberg vor Zum von HEiKA (Heidelberg Karlsruhe Research Partnership) organisierten Treffen wurden die Vertreter des YIN eingeladen, um über die Erfahrung des bereits erfolgreichen Netzwerkes in Karlsruhe zu informieren und die Nachwuchswissenschaftler zwischen zwei Standorten Heidelberg und Karlsruhe zu vernetzen. Die Erfahrung des YIN wurde als sehr motivierend von den Teilnehmern des Meetings eingeschätzt. In Folge der offenen Diskussion zum Thema Vernetzung waren sich die Nachwuchswissenschaftler über das große Potential zur interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit zwischen KIT und Universität Heidelberg einig. |
YIN member becomes Industry Fellow of Daimler AG With a unique cooperation, Daimler AG and KIT enrich their long years of intensive cooperation. Since April there is an Industry Fellowship with the name "GoTech4DAI - Global Technology Monitoring for Dynamic Automotive Industries". Industry Fellow is Dr. Steven Peters. The goal of "GoTech4DAI" is the study of methods for the assessment of new, "immature" production technologies and the joint development of industrialization concepts for innovative technologies in the automotive industry. Mehr |
Ein neues Verfahren zur Synthese hoch-dichter molekularen Arrays Im Fachmagazin „Advanced Materials“ veröffentlicht A. Nesterov-Müller (YIN-Mietglied) die Ergebnisse seiner ERC-Gruppe über das neuartige Verfahren zur Synthese von Peptidarrays mit einer Dichte von bis zu 1Millon Spots/ cm^2. Das Verfahren basiert auf dem selektiven Abschmelzen funktionaler Polymerpartikel. Mehr |
Drei neue KIT Associate Fellows an der Fakultät für Informatik Die drei Nachwuchsgruppenleiter und YIN-Mitglieder Dr. Emmanuel Müller, Dr. Martin Nöllenburg und Dr. Stefanie Speidel wurden im Februar 2014 zu den ersten KIT Associate Fellows an der Fakultät für Informatik des KIT ernannt und haben nun das Recht, die Mitglieder ihrer Nachwuchsgruppen in der Promotionsprüfung als Gutachter zu betreuen. Möglich wurde dies durch eine entsprechende Änderung der Promotionsordnung der Fakultät vom 14. Januar 2014. |
Successful DFG project proposal within SPP Algorithms for Big Data Juniorprof. Dr. H. Meyerhenke’s project proposal „FINCA: Fast Inexact Combinatorial and Algebraic Solvers for Massive Networks” has been accepted by DFG (German Research Foundation). FINCA is a subproject of SPP 1736 Algorithms for Big Data. In the next three years, the project will develop new and improved methods for solving complex problems in massive networks with applications in bioinformatics. More |
KIT-Klimaforscher auf Polarstern-Expedition Am KIT-Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung messen Wissenschaftler, darunter das YIN-Mitglied Dr. André Butz, auf dem Forschungsschiff die Konzentration von Treibhausgasen über dem Atlantik. Mehr |
YIN member as speaker at the „Young Talents – Science and Music” On Thursday 23rd of January 2104 Dr. Peter Orth gave a lecture in the range of “Young Talents – Science and Music” at the KIT with the title: “Frustrated Magnets and the Universe”. The musical performance was conducted by the Aris Quartett, all students from the Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst Frankfurt. |
Wechsel im Vorstand Am 12.11.13 wählten die anwesenden Mitglieder einstimmig neue Sprecher für die fachliche Vernetzungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des YIN. Peter Orth wird zum Nachfolger von Katja Träumner, die den Öffentlichkeitsausschuss bis dahin sehr erfolgreich geleitet hat. Christian Greiner tritt das Amt des Sprechers für die fachliche Vernetzung an. Orth und Greiner sind zeitgleich die Mitglieder des erweiterten YIN-Vorstands. |
Successful DFG project proposal for Algorithm Engineering The project proposal „Towards Exascale Application Mapping - An algorithmic framework for load balancing on non-uniform, massively parallel machines“ by Juniorprof. Dr. H. Meyerhenke has been accepted by DFG (German Research Foundation). In the next three years, the project will develop new and improved methods to accelerate graph algorithms and in particular numerical simulations on parallel computers. The results aim at an efficient execution of various applications, e.g. from computational fluid dynamics, on emerging computer architectures. More |
Jungwissenschaftler-Befragung: "Ich habe Schlafstörungen" (L.Greiner, Spiegel Online) Sie sind jung und schlau - und sie haben heftige Existenzängste. Die Arbeitsbedingungen für junge Wissenschaftler an deutschen Unis und Forschungsinstituten sind prekär, belegt eine neue Studie. Konkurrenzkampf und Unterfinanzierung verleiden einem die Lust am Forschen. >>Mehr Ähnliche Berichte: |
![]() On October 12, 2013, under the patronage of the former President of KIT, Prof. Umbach, and the Minister of Science, Research and the Arts, Ms. Theresia Bauer, YIN celebrated its 5th anniversary in the Audimax of KIT with a very diversified program. At the ceremonial act in the afternoon, YIN could inspire more than 220 guests with the original presentation of its own history. The exciting keynote speech by YIN alumna Katja Schmitz and the top-class panel discussion on the topic of "Scientific Career" rounded off the afternoon. Mehr |
YIN member successful in the BMBF young investigator competition NanoMatFutur The aim of Dr. Cornelia Lee-Thedieck’s research project is the development of novel biomimetic nanostructured materials for the cultivation of hematopoietic stem cells. The project will be funded for four years with 1.88 million € (FKZ: 13N12968). |
YIN-Mitglied wirbt ERC Starting Grant ein In seinem Forschungsprojekt befasst sich Dr. Pavel Levkin mit Mikrostrukturen zur Hochdurchsatzuntersuchung von Zellen. Dafür gelang es ihm ERC Starting Grant der EU einzuwerben. Mehr |
New YIN Grant for Screening Stem Cell Behavior in 3D The YIN supports a collaborative project of the groups of Dr. Pavel Levkin and Dr. Cornelia Lee-Thedieck, which aims at developing a new method to screen stem cells in three-dimensional (3D) environments on the single-cell level. With the results of their work the researchers want to gain a deep understanding of how stem cells are influenced by biological, chemical and physical factors in 3D. |
YIN-Mitglieder bei der Science Vision Meteorologin und Physikerin Dr. Katja Träumner und Physiker Dr. Wolfram Pernice nahmen am 06.06.2013 bei der Science Vision im Tollhaus Karlsuhe teil. Science Vision bringt aufstrebende Wissenschaftler mit Designstudenten der HfG an einen gemeinsamen Tisch. Zusammen entwickeln sie neue Präsentationsformen, mit denen sie wissenschaftliche Themen frisch und verständlich kommunizieren. |
Anwendung von wasserliebenden und wasserabstoßenden Mikroschichten Im Fachmagazin „Advanced Materials“ geben Dr. Pavel A. Levkin (YIN-Mitglied) und Doktorandin Erica Ueda vom Institut für Toxikologie und Genetik (ITG) des KIT einen Überblick über Vorteile und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von großflächigen Strukturen, die beide Eigenschaften vereinen. Mehr |
Nature: Röntgentomographie am lebenden Froschembryo Bewegung einzelner Zellen im Inneren sich entwickelnder Froschembryonen aufgelöst / Röntgenbildgebung nutzt Beugung statt Absorption / Neue Methoden für die Entwicklungsbiologie. Neue Erkenntnisse junger Forscher, darunter auch das YIN-Mitglied Dr. Jubin Kashef, brachten eine Veröffentlichung in Nature. Mehr |
New YIN grant in algorithmics With a project on efficient and scalable partitioning of large graphs and networks with application, for example, in numeric simulation, YIN supports a collaboration of computer scientists Juniorprofessor Henning Meyerhenke and Dr. Martin Nöllenburg (YIG). The goal of the project is, in a first step, to draw the graph into the plane using force-based layout algorithms, so that geometric and graph-theoretic proximity of nodes relate well to each other. In a second step, fast geometric partitioning algorithms can be used to partition the graph. This combined approach promises better scalability to very large graphs while still yielding high quality partitions. |
New YIN members Since 23.04.2013 the YIN was strengthened by three new members: Jprof. Dr. Anne Koziolek at the Institute for Program Structures and Data Organization, Dr. Gary Davidson, group leader at the Institute of Toxicology and Genetics, and Dr.rer.nat Emmanuel Müller, YIG at the Institute for Program Structures and Data Organisation. |
New terms of affiliation for the YIN With the decision of the last YIN-Member-Meeting on 19.03.2013 the terms of affiliation have been extended. From now on all official KIT- Junior Research Group Leader (KIT-Nachwuchsgruppenleiter) as well as Group Leaders with temporary contracts, who have personnel responsibility can join the network. Read more |
New YIN members On 19.03.2013 Dr. Guillaume Delaittre (BMBF), Institute of Toxicology and Genetics and Dr. Benjamin Flavel (Helmholtz) Institute of Nanotecnology were accepted as members of the YIN. |
European Career Fair in Boston, USA The European Career Fair in Boston is an annual event at the MIT. Employer from all over Europe are looking for highly talented and motivated candidate, who study, do research or work in the USA. As it was in the past the KIT also had a stand at the ECF. The Young Investigator Network was represented by Juniorprof. Henning Meyerhenke. At a side-event of the DAAD Henning Meyerhenke gave a lecture about junior professorship in Germany. Both aroused brisk interest by the junior scientists. Read more |
YIN-Member Tim Huege appears in hermann Within the current issue of the Newsletter of the Helmholtz-Association (hermann) an interview with the title “New detection of cosmic rays” with the YIN member Tim Huege has been published within the section research. The YIN was also mentioned. Read more |
Incella GmbH - New Start-Up Company Dr. Pavel Levkin (YIN member since 2010) and Dr. Gary Davidson have founded a biotech company – Incella GmbH. Incella GmbH develops, produces and commercializes worldwide novel highly efficient transfection and gene-delivery reagents for variety of biotechnological and pharmaceutical applications. |
YIN Start-up grant leads to publication Dr. Pavel Levkin and Dr. Steffen Scholpp, who won a YIN start-up grant for high risk project, could finalize their work with a publication in Biomaterials in 2013. By usage of polymer film-based cell culture systems, they could mimic gradients of signaling molecules in vitro. Read more |
Call for C.Hoose YIN spokesperson Corinna Hoose has been appointed Full Professor of Theoretical Meteorology at the Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research - Troposphere Research (IMK-TRO) at KIT. |
Radiobeitrag Radiobeitrag im Radio Regenbogen Campus Report mit Interview mit Dr. Sebastian Stüker zum Theman simultane Vorlesungsübersetzung. Mehr |
Society for Tribology :Award for best diploma thesis 2012 The Society for Tribology (GfT) awards Bashir Fakih from the junior group of Martin Dienwiebel the award for the best diploma thesis 2012 for Tribology. The award ceremony will be at the Tribology-Symposium on 25.09.2012 in Göttingen. |
Third party funding: Grant proposal accepted Juniorprof. Dr. Henning Meyerhenke's grant proposal within the Juniorprofessor program of the state of Baden-Württemberg was accepted by MWK, the ministry of science, research and the arts. A new PhD student will join the group "Parallel Computing" at the Institute of Theoretical Informatics on October 1 to carry out the work entitled "Parallel analysis of dynamic networks -- Algorithm engineering of efficient combinatorial and numerical methods". Read more |
New YIN-Members Since 22.08.2012 the YIN was strengthened by three new members:
New YIN-Members Since 20.06.2012 the YIN was strengthened by three new members: Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Jochum (YIG), Dr. rer. nat. Cornelia Lee-Thedieck (Biointerfaces Programm), Dr. Roswitha Zeis (Helmholtz) |
![]() This year the YIN annual meeting focused on the networking aspect between YIN members and alumni and consolidated their connection to KIT. Within an amicable atmosphere it gives the opportunity to exchange scientific, professional and private experience. A highlight was the talk by YIN alumnus Prof. Dominik Möst. more |
Publication at PNAS Head of Helmholtz Young Investigator Group Multiscale Biomolecular Simulation and YIN member Dr. Alexander Schug published in cooperation with his partners a paper about "Structural basis of histidine kinase autophosphorylation deduced by integrating genomics, molecular dynamics, and mutagenesis" in the Early Edition of PNAS. Read more |
New YIN member On 24.05.2012 Ph.D. und Dipl. Phys. Peter Philipp Orth was accepted as a member of the YIN. He is group leader of a YIG at the Institute for Theoretical Condensed Matter physics, KIT Campus South, his research theme is "Many-body physics of graphene in strong coherent optical fields“ |
New YIN Members Since 19.04.2012 the YIN has four new members: Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Mauder, Dr.-Ing. Katrin Schulz, Dr. rer. nat. Torsten Walther, Jprof. Dr. Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen. |
YIN-Cooperation in "Small" Owing to the Start-up funding of YIN Prof. Dr. Katja Schmitz (YIN-Alumna) and Dr. Bastian Rapp were able to generate ligands on technical surfaces with maskless projection lithography. The procedure is very fast and flexible. The results were recently published in "Small". Read more |
YIN member on television “Discover the mysterious underworld” was the title of the ZDF broadcast on Thursday the 06.03.2012 in which Dr. Stefan Hey explained the subject “ Fear of the depths”. Read more |
New YIN-Member On 22.02.2012 Dr. Ing. Dipl.-Math.techn. Felix Fritzen was accepted as a member of the YIN. He is group leader of a YIG at the Institute of Engineering Mechanics, KIT Campus South, his research field is computer aided materials research. Read more |
Multidisciplinary Privacy Award for Dr. -Ing. Erik Buchmann Dr. -Ing. Erik Buchmann received the Multidisciplinary Privacy Award of the 5th International Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP'12) at the European Privacy Day, Brussels (Belgium), January 2012. For the awarded paper: "Tackling Compliance Deficits of Data-Protection Law with User Collaboration" Read more |
Best Elective Lecture Award for Dr. Lars Bauer February 2012: Dr. Lars Bauer received the Best Elective Lecture Award for the lecture „Reconfigurable and Adaptive Systems” in the summer term 2011 from the Department of Informatics at the KIT. Read more |
YIN on XING Since 2011 a YIN professional group exists on XING, the business network for businessmen. Active and former YIN-members can discuss on the open network. Read more |
New EU project "EU-BRIDGE" From February the 01. the EU project EU -BRIDGE started. Also involved is the RG 3-01 "Multilingual Speech Recognition" under the direction of the YIN member Sebastian Stüker. The EU-BRIDGE consortium developed a forward -looking service equipment for applications with speech translation, as it was needed for the" Lecture Translation" project. Read more |
The first ever WiN-German-Award for YIN member The physicist Tonya Vitova, received the "Woman in Nuclear" Award, which was announced for the first time in 2011. Read more |
New Interreg Project RG 3-01 'Multilingual Speech Recognition' lead by YIN member Sebastian Stüker is partner of the Interreg project EVEIL 3D, which was launched on January 1st 2012. Read more |