YIN-Day 2014

Transdisciplinarity, Scientific Exchange and New Cooperations
YIN-Day 2014 group picture (Foto: Karina Scholpp, YIN)

YIN-Members introduce themselvesWhere am I coming from? Where do I stand? And what is my next goal? This year’s YIN-Day started off with a short introduction of each YIN-member and Alumni in an internal setting. Networking and scientific exchange open opportunities for new research cooperations and transdisciplinary projects. For this purpose the YIN-Day offered a platform for lively discussions, amplified by a poster session, presentations of the new YIN-Clusters and the YIN-Science Awards as well as an invited talk on „Size and Scaling Effects in Materials Mechanics and a Quick Peak at Materials Science 2.0“ by YIN-Alumnus Prof. Christof Eberl.


Poster SessionTalk Prof. Christof Eberl








Poster Session                                                  Talk by Prof. Christof Eberl







YIN-Clusters present themselves









Alexandra Hund explains the new concept for continuing education courses

YIN-Clusters present themselves            

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